
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Week 17: Bad News

So yesterday I went to my OS and after he examined my leg and x-rays he told me that he wants me to get the screws removed from my IM rod to dymatize the fracture.
This totally came out of left field since every time I went to see him he said that it was normal that we didn't see much bone growth on my tibia since it was an open fracture and they had to irrigate the wound. Now three months have past and the x-ray of my tibia looks like it hasn't changed. 

Anyway, I was able to avoid my birthday as my surgery date, March 27, so now I'm scheduled for April 3rd. 

I'm just really frustrated because I thought I was doing really well, guess not. 


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Week 16: Me & My FitBit

So I've had a FitBit for a couple of weeks now and I am using it to help me track my steps, activity level, sleep, food and water intake. I love it I even hit a personal best of 7,770 steps last Friday. My average is 1,500 steps a day I am working on doing between 2,000-3,000 a day. 

I do have pain in my ankle after walking for more then 15 minutes. The more I walk the more I notice that I sometimes I have pain at my fracture site.

Everyday I am trying to walk more and swim more.

15 Weeks Down.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Week 15: Just Keep Swiming

Today I swam for about 30 minutes today and it felt amazing! I did feel some pain in my knee but overall it felt really good. I'm super sore now but I'm guessing that is from not working out for three months.

Either way I'm happy!

14 Weeks Down!